25-29 october 2023
Nelson – New Zealand


• Free practice from 10am.
• In the afternoon an Enduro will be run
• In the evening qualifying for the GT3 event.
• In the morning we will qualify any GT3 late arrivals, and then run two rounds of GT3 racing.
• In the evening we will run the NSR Classic qualifying, and then run two rounds of NSR Classic racing heats.
• We will continue the NSR Classic racing heats.
• Dinner and prize-giving will be held in the evening. Sunday:
• F1 qualifying and racing.


Enduro Notes:
• NSR cars will be supplied by Tony • The enduro is an opportunity for ‘out-of-towners’ (non-Nelsonian’s) to learn the track
• Limited to 30 people; priority given to ‘out-of-towners’
• Each team member races for 30 minutes (‘non-stop’)
• The winning team is the one with the most total laps from the heats (no part laps).
NSR GT3 Notes:
• Limited to 30 people; priority given to ‘out-of-towners’
• Cars must be an NSR GT3 model (NO Moslers). Otherwise same as NZ Nationals rules
• Part laps (sections) will be counted
• Cars must complete scrutineering and be in parc ferme before qualifying starts.
NSR Classic Notes:

• Limited to 48 people; priority given to ‘out-of-towners’
• Normal ‘NSR Classic rules’ apply
• Part laps (sections) will be counted • Cars must complete scrutineering and be in parc ferme before qualifying starts.
NSR F1 Sprint Race Notes:
• Limited to 36 people; priority given to ‘out-of-towners’
• Normal ‘NSR F1 rules’ apply
• Part laps (sections) will NOT be counted
• Every racer has 1 race (6 heats)
• Winner is racer with highest number of total laps
• Cars will not be scrutinised before race starts; Top 4 cars will be scrutinised after the race. All rules to follow.